Frequently asked questions
A: Are you a business owner whose ideal client is another business owner? If you answered yes, this is the place for you to be a resource for other business owners to hire and you can source your next service/product here as well!
A: Head on over to our membership page for the full details here.
A: We call our networking: Collaboration Rooms. You’ll meet and get to know other business owners who are looking to be a source and a resource, just like you! Business owners who want to be in a community where we all know we want to work with other awesome people to help our businesses grow. Here’s who you can expect to see:
Any B2B owner without “borders” who can do business anywhere
Coaches: wellness, business, spiritual, mindfulness, content, marketing, wealth
Money folks: wealth advisors, bookkeepers, CPA, CFOs
Tech folks: Vas, App helpers, course creators, website designers, consultants
Professional services: attorneys, consultants, recruiters, trainers
Creatives: social media, content creators, graphic designers, videographers, photographers, authors, retreat planners
Healers: reiki practitioners, visionaries, mindfulness, fitness trainers, teachers
Marketing folks: Course platform support, funnel makers, digital ad folks, marketing Vas, podcast hosts, ad outlets
Product/tool retailers: journals, self-care items, crystals, oils, planners, Airbnb/destination owners
And any other group of business owners we haven’t listed here who have an ideal client who is also a business owner
A: That is a HECK YES! This is our favorite! Thank you so much for asking! We want to give you a huge high five and some cash too! Please see our details on our referral program here.
A: We love guests! Here’s the scoop on how to be one or invite one: CLICK
A: We do have a simple agreement and terms of service for you, as a great aligned business practice. Clear is kind as Dr. Brene Brown says (we’re fans) and you can find that information at checkout.
A: We provide a platform. We provide a team to run it. It’s a big investment. That’s the math (payroll and software and such). However, in addition to that fabulous reason, our value and potential for your return on investment makes our low membership fees a no-brainer of an investment. We know that providing this resource will far exceed the wasted ad dollars and wasted time you spend elsewhere trying to find the right audience. Just as an FYI, our number one value is abundance, and that’s the vibe we bring. We provide abundant value, you provide an abundance mindset! Come ready to grow and your energy will attract ideal clients!
A: We love our sponsors. They make this whole thing even cooler because then we can do cooler stuff at cooler prices (or as bonuses) for members. However, since our entire goal is to make this the best spot for B2B owners on the planet…we know that often our sponsoring folks are not the owners, they are part of a larger team and as an employee or commissioned salesperson. So while they have a similar goal of reaching our members, their experience as a non-owner is different. Our collaboration rooms are for owners reaching other owners. So we have happily created a win-win…they can sponsor our events and reach you in that way, but the collaboration rooms are reserved for owners that mutual company and community.
A: We are working on this request as we totally get it. We anticipate we’ll add an option at some point, but until we see how this could be a workable win-win, please be patient and know that flexibility is why we added up to 3 collaboration rooms per week. (Some weeks vary)
A: Sure can! We believe in abundance, so if that’s your jam…rock on.
A: This is so juicy. Yes. We’d love to. We have requests into our CPA firm and law firm to help us create a legally sound way of sharing profits with you. Since our number one value is abundance, we want to make this community a place that only gets better and better. We plan to add more opportunities for your growth and when our community circulates abundance, we all win. (In less woo-woo terms: when our members buy more stuff, we want to reward the collective with a share of the profits to encourage even more awesomeness). The give-back plan is so delicious. Our founder, Sarah Stokes, has a dream of a billion-dollar+ foundation where we can say YES to all the projects and efforts that make the world better! Part of that would be internal loans and grants to our own ABC members someday. You can see why this is phase 2. Some big, juicy dreams taking shape! Stay tuned.
Have other great questions?
Please feel free to reach out to our team any time by emailing info@abc4b2b.com or via our social media channels.